I have lived all my life in Sussex, having settled for the last twenty years in Findon. The combination of being at the foot of the south downs and a couple of miles from the sea is perfect.
I have always painted from a young age but the need to get a 'proper' job lead me into the field of hair and beauty. Quickly finding this not creative enough I retrained and have worked ever since in the interior design and soft furnishings industry.
Painting has always remained part of my life as time has allowed.
Recently though, having spent a considerable time nursing a sick fur baby, I found that I had time to sit and paint, albeit with a poorly cat snuggled in. As a legacy to her I vowed to carry on and pursue my love of painting.
I love all animals and I seem to have an affinity, especially with cats and dogs. Its also not unusual for birds and squirrels to eat from my hand. Painting them is a joy that I want to share.